9062 River Road, Hebron, Kentucky 41048
General Membership Information
New Members – How to Join
The Flying Cardinals offer two methods to apply for membership:
The Flying Cardinals offer an online membership application for your convenience.
There are three items required for an online membership application to be considered:
1. Properly completed application
2. AMA membership number for verification
3. Payment process completion
Please use the Apply Online buttons at the top of this page. Online application payments will be processed via PayPal in a safe, secure environment. You are "not required" to have an existing PayPal account to participate, simply choose the "continue" option to pay with your credit card to the left of the PayPal login. All online applications include a nominal convenience fee which the club incurs in order to accept credit cards via PayPal and postage/envelope cost to mail your pit pass.
Postal Mail
If you chose to apply via postal mail, please include the following:
1. Properly completed application (download here) . This is an acrobat fillable form where you can simply type in the fields and print out. Note: (Form cannot be saved.)
2. Copy of AMA membership card. If you don't have the card yet, you can download a verification form at the AMA site.
3. Check or Money Order payable to "Flying Cardinals"
4. Include a self-addressed, stamped return envelope.
Failure to include all four items will result in a delay to the issuance of your Pit Pass.
Renewals For Current Members
Our Mission
The Flying Cardinals of Northern KY is an AMA Chartered Radio Control Flying Club dedicated to exploring and promoting the hobby of building and safely flying all types and sizes of radio-controlled model aircraft.
We believe this hobby can be enjoyed by all and cordially invite anyone interested to come and see what our club is all about! Guests are always welcome at our flying field (when the gates are open with Members present). Come and observe our members "in action" flying their model aircraft.
We are a Kentucky not-for-profit 501.7c corporation.
Come Fly with Us!
9062 River Road, Hebron, Kentucky 41048